WOD 8/1/18
YO4 Monday 8th January - Warm Up & Mobilise - 3 x 3 Overhead Squat - 3 x 3 Front Squat - 3 x 3 Back Squat - WOD - 8 Rounds For Time; 8...
WOD 5/1/18
Warm Up & Mobilise WOD - 6 Rounds for Time: 400m Run 9 Deadlifts 80/50kg 9 Box Jumps 24/20" 9 Pull Ups #crossfit #fitness #gym...
WOD 4/1/18
Warm Up & Mobilise Power Clean 6 x 3 Clean Pull 6 x 2 WOD - 5 Rounds For Time: 3 Wall Walks 12 Ground to Overhead 36 Double Unders...
WOD 3/1/18
YO4 WOD 3/1/18 Warm Up & Mobilise Front Squat 5 x 3 Superset Hollow Rocks& Arch Holds Partner WOD - 18 Minute AMRAP (As Many Reps As...
WOD - 2/1/18
YO4 Workout of the Day - 2/1/18 Warm Up & Mobilise 15 Minute EMOM 0-5 Minutes Strict Press x 3 5 -10 Minutes Push Press x 3 10 -15...
Becoming a Member - How to Book!
So you've made the right choice and you're ready to become a part of the YO4 Community! So what do you do... Step 1: Sign up, complete...
Ready to go for 2018...?
New Year, New You? Nah... With CrossFit YO4 its New year, REAL You! We are here to help you Redefine Who Your Are! Health, Fitness,...
Founding memberships & Special Offers @ YO4
We are here to help change your life! We are here to help you with whatever your personal goals or challenges and we believe in...
Welcome to CrossFit YO4
Christmas comes early for Pocklington! We are extremely happy to announce the opening of Pocklington's First & Only CrossFit Affiliate!...